Reflection Positivity and Invertible Phases

Spring 2022 (online)

This is a learning seminar about Freed-Hopkins's work on reflection positivity and invertible phases. The current goal is to go through Freed's CBSM book, a draft of which can be found here.

The first half of the seminar will be quite math-heavy as we develop the necessary formalism. The second half will be focused on physical applications, namely recovering a ten fold way and the classification of topological insulators and superconductors (anomalies of free fermions). If there is more time, we may also go through some newer work on anomalies based on the results of Freed-Hopkins.

This is organized by Cameron Krulewski and Leon Liu.

The usual time for the seminar is Mondays 3:00 PM - 4:00 EST, and the zoom link is here. Dan's special talk will be Friday Feb. 11th at 2:30 - 3:30 EST. The talk may or may not be recorded at the discretion of the speaker.