Yu Leon Liu


Hi! I am a fourth year Harvard math graduate student. My advisor is Mike Hopkins. Before grad school, I did my undergraduate at UT Austin with Dan Freed.

I work in both math and physics, mostly in between. My primary research interest is mathematical physics, mostly field theories and anomalies. Mathematically, I am also interested in knot homologies and homotopy theory. Besides math and physics, I am also interested in CS (DevOps, kubernetes, type theory and functional programming languages).

Right now I am trying to start up a new blog!


Minor thesis on Khovanov Homology and Knot Instanton Homology.

Slides and Posters

Seminars organized

CS projects

  • Aplite: A purely functional statically-typed lightweight programming language with emphasis on composibility and run-time guarantees by type-checking.
  • Kubernetes Opeator in Aplite: A Kubernetes "client library" for Aplite. Really a Kubernetes operator run as a pod in the cluster with a server that communicates with the local Aplite server. Currently written in Python.
  • Arend documentation of HoTT: This is an ongoing project to code/verify all the theorems in Homotopy Type Theory: an Univalent Foundation in Arend, which a formal verification system that uses homotopy type theory (it assumes the univalence axiom).